Rating Natural Mole Removal Options

We get to encounter a myriad of so-called “scientifically” proven and safe natural mole removal options. Now, can we really rely on such claims of efficacy and safety? How long will it take for these natural methods to work? What is the cost implication of these natural treatment alternatives and will there be any scarring when you use this natural mole removal options?

You would have to seriously consider your choices and decide whether natural mole removal techniques are viable and safe alternatives to surgical procedure. There are two issues that would justify your inclination to consider other options for mole removal. Surgical options can be a painful option, and it is a costly method for removing moles. A simple procedure can cost you $400, and insurance companies may not cover this under the terms of your contract as it is classified as a cosmetic surgical procedure.

Natural mole removal options are relatively cheaper and painless compared to the mainstream surgical option. This natural option relies on natural ingredients which are proven to be effective and safe for this kind of condition. Among the myriad of natural options for mole removal, castor oil and apple cider vinegar are the most common.

The use of tea tree oil and castor oil for the removal of unwanted moles is supported by clinical studies and researches. Tea tree oil is also effective for treating conditions like nail fungus and ringworm as documented on this Funginix wesbite. In fact, the FDA considers it as a safe natural mole removal option. Its active ingredient, Ricinoleic acid, is derived from the castor bean and has long been used in treating various skin problems.